Raisoft provides in-depth expertise and consultation. When you are looking for effective implementation with interRAI, we have the digital solution and the experience. Our platform is designed to meet our customers’ needs of information integration across healthcare and social service settings. We work with service providers and governments developing practical solutions for you.
We have extensive experience in:
- Large scale interRAI implementations
- Integrated care delivery systems implementation
- Case management / service coordination implementation
- Quality improvement projects
- Case-mix payment systems
- Research projects
Submit an enquiry or schedule a meeting with our experts.
Training is an important part of our business. In many countries training is provided by our partners. Our goal is to help you interpret and utilize the information in our software to provide top-notch services to your clients as well as build your own professional skills.
Training is offered for all types of professionals, front-line clinical staff, chief nurses and physicians, quality managers, and administrators.
For example:
- Administrative and basic RAIsoft.net functions
- Customizing reports, care plan templates, etc.
- Using tools for quality improvement
- Performing interRAI assessments
- Reading status and outcome measures
The Raisoft experts are there to help you succeed using RAIsoft.net extensively and effectively. Our specialists have extensive interRAI experience. We offer in-person training and on-line trainings according to customers’ needs.
You can submit an enquiry to us or schedule an online meeting using this form.