– I have been an entrepreneur in management and sales training almost my entire working career. And in recent years, from 2012, I ended up in the IT industry developing software for the sales and service industry, a business that was subsequently sold.
Robin tells us that he visited Kokkola a couple of times through his previous IT projects and then got to know Raisoft's CEO Robert Åström. At the same time, Raisoft had started searching for a suitable person to take the company into the Swedish market.
- One day "Robbi" called and asked if I would come and work for Raisoft. The question came at a very appropriate time, and it was not difficult to accept. But it was also just then that the corona pandemic hit.
- We had big plans for spring 2020. A lot of visibility, many fairs, and projects in Sweden. Everything stopped and we were forced to do the work in a completely different way, with small steps at a time to build visibility and recognition. Only during May-June 2022 did we finally get out and the first fair was held.
- The trade fair experience has been a good compliment to my work at Raisoft so far. It was amazing to suddenly meet people face to face. Especially people you previously only met virtually. But quite clearly the pandemic forced us to change the way we work, in several cases both smarter and better, something that we take with us.
Digital tools, assessment tools for management, training and performance measurement are all things that Robin has been very familiar with for decades but there was still much to digest and learn about in Raisoft's industry.
- Learning new tools in a new industry in the middle of a pandemic has taken a lot of time. But the biggest challenge has of course been that all the people in elderly care that you wanted to talk to were completely busy with other things. But finally, today just over 2 years later, the situation is completely different.
Robin Lundgren says that the situation in Sweden is completely different from that in Finland - interRAI is practically unknown.
- Launching something completely new in healthcare is a big deal. But the pandemic has shown in a rather brutal way how great the need is for standardized measurement methods in Sweden. And here Raisoft has an excellent solution to offer, which is based on international research and proven experience.
- With standardized assessments of function and health, seamlessly linked to care plans and intelligent quality measurements... what more could you want?
Having been self-employed all his life, Robin sometimes feels strange in the role of an employee and his approach to work is very entrepreneurial. There's no use staring at the clock and sometimes he has to remind himself to take time off.
- Raisoft is a good company. Nice and competent people, genuine things to do without a hidden agenda. The fact that I am Raisoft's only employee in Sweden has also suited me well because I get to work "in peace", laughs Robin.
Robin lives with his wife and 11-year-old terrier. They have three adult children living in Stockholm. After the working day, while the wife goes for a walk with the dog, Robin is often busy in the kitchen.
- In the summer I am a keen gardener and fisherman, I love going to Swedish Lapland and fishing with my brother. And cooking is a great interest, especially in winter when there is more time to cook. My favorite is French fish soup! In 2021, I participated in Sweden's Master Chef and got a bit on the way but left after a couple of rounds. It was sad, of course, but the competition in general was great fun and I plan to apply again.
Robin also notes that there are surprising benefits to being employed.
- As a self-employed person, I never offered myself any benefits, such as a gym card, but at Raisoft I took the opportunity and even got a personal trainer. "Mankiller" Lovisa doesn't let go in a hurry... In addition, we have an ingenious self-developed program for break gym at Raisoft, Smart Break.
- I like my job and I don't intend to stop until I see Raisoft succeed in Sweden. This is more than a job – it's a mission, Robin concludes.